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All News, Building Ventilation Knowledge,

How Much Carbon is in the Aluminium Louvres You Specify?

Not all aluminium is the same and knowing where the aluminium in your louvres comes from can have a big impact on the planet, and the sustainability credentials of your building. 

All News, Building Ventilation Knowledge,

How Ventilation Impacts Asthma Sufferers

In this article we explore the role of ventilation in respiratory health and how asthma sufferers can benefit from making sure they live in well-ventilated spaces.

All News, Building Ventilation Knowledge,

How Does Humidity and Temperature Impact the Indoor Environment?

Humidity and temperature have an interdependent relationship which can greatly impact the indoor environment to the extent it affects both occupant and building health.

All News, Building Ventilation Knowledge, Industry Updates,

Is 5% the Magical Number for Ventilation

There seems to be a general acceptance that as long as buildings meet the magic number for ventilation, everything will be ok.  We don't think that's true.  

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